I’ve wanted a Nespresso machine for some time! We’ve had a coffee machine at home for a long time, but whenever I have been away or been to friends who have the Nespresso machine – it’s been a lusted after item.
So yesterday, just in time for today’s rain that has simply not stopped – I bought one! Who knew there were so many different types. One’s without milk warmers, ones with. Did I need the milk warmer to be attached or was a separate one ok? Should it be a Krups or a Magimix or a Kitchen Aid? I walked into John Lewis thinking I just wanted a coffee maker but wasn’t prepared for the choice!
In the end however the choice was really made for me as people are snapping these machines up and they had limited stock. Deciding upon an attached milk maker, therefore only needing one plug socket, the Krups Prodigo Titan was the one in stock under £200 (£179.99 RRP). So I purchased it. It took 5 minutes to get out of the box and set up, and 5 minutes to install the app that you can use to schedule your coffee to be brewed at a specific time (just make sure the cups underneath first) and there it was! A wonderful warm cup of frothy coffee – I am now finally Fuelled by Latte! Love it.
NB: I bought this machine and just decided to write the review as I love it!
They really are brilliant machines. We’ve just upgraded and given ours away but I miss it!!!