Yesterday I went for a run on an absolutely stunning winters day. Well I say I went for a run. I did run around 8k and I did run quite a bit, but I also stopped quite a lot as the views down on the beach were simply stunning. These photos have only been taken on my i-phone but I haven’t edited them at all and I think the colours are just beautiful.
I also listened to the fourth episode of a podcast called Serial. If you haven’t heard about it and you love listening to podcasts then you should definitely check it out. The episode I was listening to is from the second series and is a true account of an American Soldier who was taken hostage by the Taliban in Afghanistan. I’m not entirely sure where this series is going to go, but the first series was completely addictive and highly recommended.
I’m not going to tread into the arena of political debate, I simply mention the program because whilst I was running on a beach in beautiful winter sunshine, I was listening to a description of a man lay in a cage no wider than himself for hours and hours on end. The contrast between the description of that cage and the beach I was on made me feel incredibly reflective.
It made me pause for thought. It made me look at the sky and take stock of the day. It made me grateful for the ordinary things I had done already that day. It made me be grateful for that Ordinary Moment.