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Hearing women – the gender health gap

My mum always jokes that if men had the babies, by now there would be a zip. I had always thought that was about men’s pain thresholds. Turns out, the joke is that we actually still exist within a society where there is a major gender health gap.

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Each day, each decision – do your little bit of good where you are.

January is always a time of new hope. An opportunity for a new beginning. This year, I have purposefully not challenged myself to anything. But I have been inspired. With a quote from Desmond Tutu, “Do your little bit of good where you are.”

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Spain: 10 unknown cities to explore

When you hear the word “Spain”, well-known cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia surely come to mind. But the country hides many small surprises, which few people are lucky enough to see. A look… View Post

How is it the end of Half Term already?

Half term has raced by. I feel somewhere between shock and heartbreak that we are back to school and work on Monday.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my job. But I actually don’t want it to be Monday again already. It seems like I’m not alone. They’re calling it the ‘Great Resignation’, the ‘Big Quit’.

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Why do we feel the need to comment?

Words can hurt with the same ferocity as a punch to the gut. We know we feel sad when it happens to us. We hear people’s comments. We hear in their words the worst things we think about ourselves. It makes it true. We take words to heart and carry them with us. So why when we know it causes us pain to hear, do we feel like it is our place to say about others?

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